NVMe-oF Target Properties

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Click NVMe-oF Targets on the left navigation panel, click on the target line to select one, then the Properties tab panel will shows.


NVMF Target Tab

This panel will show target general information like: Subsystem NQN, interface (Subsystem), capacity, server pool etc.

2. Replications.

NVMF Target Tab

This panel shows target’s replications to remote targets.

3. Initiators

Target Tab

This panel shows target’s initiator list, use can disconnect the initiator, however, if not modify target’s permission, initiator may re-connect again.

4.  IP Authorization

NVMF Target Tab

This panel shows and manages target’s authorization list, user can add IP address to the target, this feature only enabled when target enable IP  authorization.

User can clock the Add link,  then the Select IP Authorization dialog shows.

NVMF Target Tab

Input address and then press the Add button to add.

5. Performance

NVMF Target Tab

This panel shows the performance chart (reading and writing) of the selected target.